My c section story Part. 1

My pregnancy was pretty easy. I had no morning sickness, no pains.I past my glucose test with flying colors. I had a hard time sleeping at the end but honestly, no complaints. When I reached 35 or so weeks, there was a concern on the growth scan if the placenta was giving the baby enough food, so I had a few NST scans and all seemed well! I went for an ultrasound Dec 23rd, 2013 and the growth wasn’t where they wanted it to be so they decided to induce me. I was 37 weeks, 2 days-full term. I was set in my room with the pitocin flowing from about 11am. By 8 pm that night, with the highest dose  given to me and I maybe dialated 2 cm. My ob came in and discussed an emergency c section. She explained I could wait but this baby wasn’t coming anytime soon and she made it very obvious how she didn’t want to deliver my child in the early hours of the morning or even later for that fact. (Hey, she had vacation and a plane to catch I’m sure) It was Christmas eve and there was an overall rushed feeling being in that hospital. I made my decision, around 9pm was going to be “Baby time”. I was loaded on pain meds so I hardly felt a thing. I remember before going into the surgery, my husband getting into his scrubs, I think the idea of wearing them made him so proud !

Natalie Grace Chevalier entered the world at 9:57 pm that Monday night weighing 5 pounds, 7 ounces-19inches long. My miracle was here. I was taken to the maternity room and held my little girl with family surrounding me. I was blessed. I had to stay overnight on that floor because my urine output was not enough and I remember feeling very tired and i had a slight cough. What was happening, were the first signs of sepsis.

The next morning my legs were very swollen, and it was so hard to get in and out of bed. I figured this is what a c section is. My output was still low and I had to remain on the labor and delivery floor. I had a rotation of dr’s since it was Christmas week. I started to get the chills really bad, I kept asking for heated blankets, That cold- I will never forget. I finally had enough urine to be moved to the maternity floor. They moved me to a room that seemed super narrow so I asked to be relocated. The chills were so intense i started to cry I knew something was not right. I kept asking the nurses why am I so cold…I was putting the heat higher and higher yet no relief. I received the answer of “You just had a baby, your hormones are not balanced, you may have a little bit of baby blues” (ya,sure) I tried to believe them because that’s what every nurse said and I never had a baby before so who I am to jump on their words. I started having rapid breathing (another tell tale sign of sepsis) they said I was having a panic attack gave me some oxygen and a Ativan. I never took medication for anxiety or depression in my life but that day I did because I did not have the knowledge and apparently-the dr’s didn’t either. Tuesday continued on with the hardship of even moving, the rapid heartbeat and those chills. Wednesday played out the same, more intense but I was just a lady that had a section. I’ll get over it.

Wednesday night almost Thursday early am a nurse recgonized that my urine was smelling awful and took my temperature, go figure- a fever. They finally decided that maybe I had a uti so they took urine culture and blood. It turned out I had e coli, staph (MSSA) and my panus was red- I had cellulitis. I had a bug in my blood and antibiotics would fight it as one of the rotating dr explained. I could tell he was nervous. I was crying, missing my home and my husband would come all day and sleep home at night. He was angry because they let this go on without really looking at why I was so ill.  The swollen limbs, horrific chills, foul urine- all symptoms ignored.  I remember resting in my bed and ordering something to drink and not having the energy to get up and sip some- I just stared at the can. It was a very lonely time even though I had my husband and family visitors, the whole experience was just eerie. Of course I loved my new baby but there were times I couldn’t have her in my arms and Jed would take over or I would send her back with the nurse because I felt so weak. I also tried breast feeding before i found out I was truly sick and the lactation nurses really wanted me to do it but I just couldn’t.

I was crying from being so sick and the rapid breathing. They took blood samples again and the nurse was so mean, I literally could not not move since my body was filled with fluid-maybe 25 pounds of it. The nurse asked me to turn from one side to another and I was trying so hard and she was getting impatient. I yelled listen I can’t help it lady! The hospital was so worried about their delay that they had a psych speak to me to make sure I wasn’t suicidal or harmful to my child because I was crying and had the chills. It was as if they still wanted to go off the fact I was hormonal and had some form of depression rather then the truth- that it was truly the sepsis I was physically and emotionally suffering from.  I remember the psych wrote down good historian and had mild postpartum but ya thats what the medical profession has to do when they make an error. Thankful for my long memory because I wouldn’t be as detailed right now as I am:) Thursday finished with the usual symptoms trying to rest and spending time with my husband. Once I found out I had staph I told people not to come. Friday came along and the DR. said I would go home on IV. I was super excited to take my daughter home and be in my own bed and recover. Only the bug in my blood was just the beginning of my journey. I am going to stop here and will post the rest of my story soon. I hope so far you can understand how surgery leading to infection is very serious. You have to be our own advocate. Please check back for the second part of my entry.


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